2023年第12回グライダー女子世界選手権スペイン大会 ウクライナ女子選手参加支援ご案内
Hello Delegates and friends:
I thought you might be interested in supporting this GoFundMe, https://gofund.me/7892c208.
Even a small donation could help Jaume Prats (The WWGC2023 organizing committee) reach their fundraising goal. And if you can’t make a donation, it would be great if you could share the fundraiser to help spread the world.
From the organizing committee of the WWGC2023 we are trying to help Olena to come and share the championships with us, we will make an effort as well of course.Thanks for taking a look!
I hope to see a lot of you in LEGY this summer.Angel CasadoSpanish delegate at the IGC