[IGC] Sporting Code Section 3 2023年版 改訂のお知らせ


Sporting Code Section 3 の2023年版改訂が発表されました。

The 2023a Edition of SC3


1. Per the approved Year-2 proposal at the 2023 Plenary, previous 4.2.3b deleted (that OOs require additional NAC approval to handle record claims), and “c” becomes new “b”.
2. Per the approved Year-2 proposal at the 2023 Plenary, 2.4.6 loosens the requirements on barograph calibration for some badges.
3. 4.1a to 1c edited for increased clarity.
4. Text clarification in 4.3.3 regarding flight evidence.
5. Clarification in the (1) footnote of table 1.4.4.

2024/2/4 以下の改定が追加されました。

6. New paragraph 1.0.2 inserted to specify the shape of the earth as being the WGS84 ellipsoid, and this reference deleted in 1.3.7.
7. 1.2.6b sector definition edited to be more technically precise.
8. An incorrect 2.4.3c reference to FR calibration period deleted.